The following is a compilation of MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN concerning abortion presented in chronological order.
Date: March 3, 2001
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, the greatest decision your country has ever made could be made by this president. It is greater than any fiscal policy or defense plan, or even uplifting the oppressed and feeding the hungry. It is the decision to END LEGALIZED abortion in this country. Heaven awaits this." "I give to you tonight My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: March 5, 2001
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. They both turn toward the priest in the apparition room. Blessed Mother smiles at him and Jesus blesses him. Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." Blessed Mother says: "All praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "My brothers and sisters, this day I will take your petitions into Heaven with Me and place them in My Sacred Heart." "Today I come to address all people - all nations, and I say, unite under the banner of Holy and Divine Love - the sign of Our United Hearts. For this, my friends, is the way to lasting peace. This is the way of truth and life - everlasting life. This is the generation chosen and set aside through which I reveal this most significant revelation of the United Hearts. You are chosen to call down My Victory of Love into hearts and the world." "It is through love Satan will suffer his defeat, cast into hell, and be chained there forever. This, I tell you, will be the outcome of all your rosaries and prayers offered with loving hearts. The love in your hearts as you pray calls down My Justice upon evil." "I have opened My Heart as never before to this generation. The Chambers of My Sacred Heart call to each soul. Abandon yourselves to Me. Let Divine Love consume you. Let Divine Love consume the world. Comprehend the road I have laid bare before you - not one of passiveness but of apostleship. Neither grasp at what I offer in lukewarmness or out of self importance, but out of love for Me and the mission I give you. The world awaits this message." "Today in the world you have many paradoxes. Science attempts to create new life through technology and at the same time destroys it by abortion. Cures are sought for disease while germ warfare is developed. In such ways Satan directs and deceives millions of souls away from the truth and onto the path of perdition. But within the Chambers of My Heart awaits the balm to soothe the heart of mankind - the wrench to remove Satan's grip upon the soul of the world - the Flame that will burn away iniquity and deceit." "The springtime of this mission is here. The bud is opening. Nourished by the Holy Spirit, it is about to send the fragrance of this message around the world. On the wings of angels the flowering of this mission will be pollinated far and wide, for you do not propagate this message on your own, but through Heaven's grace. Understand that you have been given a great treasure in the message of the Chambers of My Heart. It is like gold tested in fire. Do not squander this treasure or let it be laid to waste in your heart, falling asleep in lukewarmness, but spread it amongst all you meet. For this is the mission I have placed in your hearts today." "We're extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: March 11, 2001
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, your prayers today have been effective in coming against legalized abortion. Continue to pray every day that God's Law - THOU SHALT NOT KILL - is upheld, and man's law - the killing of babies in the womb - is abolished." "I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: May 5, 2001
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. As we are celebrating this Feast of Holy Love, I invite you to see that the measure of Holy Love in the soul of your country was revealed in the last presidential election. A narrow victory, though it was, Heaven awaits the fruits of this victory in resounding government policies. Love of God above all else and your neighbor as yourself should not be set aside in favor of more popular political stands. Here, I speak of abortion in its every form. Overcome this evil, America, and you will have God on your side. Then you will need no other political ally." "I wish to describe to you the lukewarm soul. Such a soul is neither warm nor cold. He lingers in a nebulous state, full of doubts, ambiguities and compromise. Morally, he is full of indecisions and duplicity. Truth eludes him. This soul is an open door to Satan's deceit. But I have set down the law of Holy Love. I am the Just Judge and the Defender of the Faith. With Me there is only right and wrong. Half measures and indecision are self-condemning." "As Heaven awaits action in lieu of words, innocent lives are being lost. The abyss between Heaven and earth widens with each abortion. My brothers and sisters, you seek peace in the world, and yet you make war on the unborn. You seek to discover the secrets of life, but you destroy the very life I create in the womb. Do you not see the path you follow? Are you so deceived that you see wrong as right? Have you forgotten the commandments of love?" (The wind is gusting 20-40 mph.) "My brothers and sisters, as quickly as the wind passes over your face, that is how quickly My Mercy fills a repentant heart. So any soul, and indeed every nation that turns to me with a contrite heart, will be forgiven-for in the end it is My Mercy that will save, and My Love that will triumph." "We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: May 13, 2001
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Our Lady is Our Lady of Fatima, and She has on the crown like the statue in the apparition room. Jesus has His Heart exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, I come to you today just as My Mother came to you many years ago in Fatima. I come to save souls. When My Mother appeared in Fatima the world was at war, nation rising against nation." "Today the war still continues against the unborn; good against evil. You have lost more people in the womb than you lost in all the wars together in this country. Souls slip to their perdition because they have followed popular deception that abortion is justified. But I have come to show you the path of righteousness and draw you along the path which is the Chambers of My Sacred Heart. You will please make it known." "We extend today the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: June 22, 2001
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother is holding the Rosary of the Unborn. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Tonight, my brothers and sisters, My Mother weeps for the crimes against the innocents. Continue to pray against abortion and against every crime perpetrated against an innocent child. My brothers and sisters, resolve tonight to begin the Journey into Our United Hearts, for this is the choice for life." "The United Hearts Blessing was given."
Date: July 2, 2001
Our Lady comes as the Sorrowful Mother. She says: "Praise be to Jesus. I see you are using the new Rosary of the Unborn. I affirm to you, my daughter, that each ‘Hail Mary’ prayed from a loving heart will rescue one of these innocent lives from death by abortion. When you use this rosary, call to mind My Sorrowful Immaculate Heart which continually sees the sin of abortion played out in every present moment. I give to you this special sacramental with which to heal My Motherly Heart.” Maureen asks: "Blessed Mother, do you mean any ‘Hail Mary’ or just one prayed on the Rosary of the Unborn?” Blessed Mother: "This is a special grace attached to this particular rosary. It should always be used to pray against abortion. You will please make this known.”
Date: July 2, 2001 EVENING
Blessed Mother is here as Mary Refuge of Holy Love. She is holding the Rosary of the Unborn and says: "Praise be to Jesus.” "You can be confident in using this Rosary and the attached attendant promise I have given you. Do not be abashed (shy) about propagating this message.” Note: In order to be a sacramental, it must be blessed by a Catholic Priest. Definition of "sacramentals” from the "Catechism of the Catholic Church”: "Sacramentals are sacred signs instituted by the Church. They prepare men to receive the fruit of the sacraments and sanctify different circumstances of life. Among the sacramentals, blessings occupy an important place. They include both praise of God for His works and gifts, and the Church’s intercession for men that they may be able to use God’s gifts according to the spirit of the gospel.”
Date: July 8, 2001
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother is holding the Rosary of the Unborn. She says: "Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, when you are silent in sin, you cooperate with Satan’s plan. This is especially true in the great atrocity of abortion. But when you pray against abortion, you are speaking up in favor of Divine Love. Thank you for your prayers.” "We’re blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
Date: July 12, 2001
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My child, I have come with the pronouncement of a Divine request. Make it known I invite your nation to unite at the Shrine of My Sorrowful Mother at the Lake of Tears on September 14-15 to appease My Mother’s Heart by praying against the sin of abortion. It is the greatest sorrow of My Mother’s Heart today—the sins against the innocents.” "In preparation for these two great feasts—the Triumph of the Cross and the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows—each one can pray and sacrifice.”
Date: August 3, 2001
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Trust in Me. Please tell the world that each 'Our Father' (beads shown to Maureen by Jesus were teardrops of blood in the form of a cross) recited on the Rosary of the Unborn assuages My grieving Heart. Further, it withholds the Arm of Justice." "The greatest promise I give you in regards to this rosary is this: Every rosary prayed from the heart to its completion on these beads (teardrops) mitigates the punishment as yet withstanding for the sin of abortion." "I attach this promise to the rosary given directly to you by My Mother, for it is particular to Her design and requests. Make it known." Later that day: I told Jesus I had a question about the promise He gave concerning the Rosary of the Unborn. He finally returned, all aglow. He smiled and said: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I know your question. Do not bother to speak it. When I say the punishment as yet withstanding for the sin of abortion, I mean the punishment each soul deserves for taking part in this sin. Then too, I also refer to the greater punishment that awaits the world for embracing this sin." "Pray from your heart knowing that your rosary appeases Me."
Date: August 5, 2001
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I have come to address the issue of disease. While much attention is given to germ warfare and new diseases, little albeit none, is given to the spiritual disease that has overwhelmed the soul of the world. This spiritual disease is the one that should be of greatest concern to everyone, for while a bacteria or virus affects mortal well-being, the spiritual illness defines the soul's eternal life." "These are the symptoms of a spiritually ill soul. He has a hedonistic love of the world and its allurements. Such a soul loves what appeals to his senses. There is no clearly defined sense of right and wrong in the spiritually ill. Every decision has, without notice, slipped in a murky gray area. This is the result of a convoluted conscience. He begins to love only his own will and does not consider God's Will. He does not love Me, trust Me, and will not surrender to Me. But I love him." "I tell you the cures and remedies mankind seeks for his ills very often die in infancy through the sin of abortion. Indeed, the war that is waged in the womb bears the consequence of war and disease in the world." "Today in truth I tell you, the world does not value spiritual well-being, but conversion of heart is the remedy for the tribulations in the world today. There is no vaccine or miracle drug that heals the spirit. The answer is not in the stars or crystals or any fortune teller. The cure for the woes of the soul is reconciliation with God the Creator of Heaven and earth." "You cannot be reconciled until you seek Divine Mercy and Divine Love with your whole heart. This is why I say to you, My Victory--the Victory of Our United Hearts--must be in hearts first and then the world." "My brothers and sisters, you are living in apocalyptic times. Many things must occur before My Victory will be complete. I tell you this, not so that you will live in fear, but so that you will come into the transforming love of the Chambers of My Divine Heart, for the MESSAGE here is certain and secures your salvation." "My brothers and sisters, return here on September 14-15." "I'm extending to you today My Healing Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: August 10, 2001
St. John Vianney is here. He says: "Praise be to Jesus." "Tonight I have come, My brothers and sisters, with Heaven's request that you pray and support the Church's (Catholic) position on abortion, birth control and stem cell research, NOT the POPULAR OPINION. The popular opinion is shot full of compromise and Satan's deceit. Pray against Satan's deceptions." "I'm extending to you My Priestly Blessing."
Date: August 12, 2001
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "My brothers and sisters, Holy and Divine Love and Divine Mercy are one. These two entities, My Love and My Mercy, support ALL HUMAN LIFE that IS CREATED BY GOD. Therefore, you must see and understand that ANYTHING that opposes life is from evil, no matter the terminology it is given. Look at the bare facts and do not be fooled by Satan and his compromises. Pray for life." "I am blessing you, and My Mother is blessing you with Our Blessing of the United Hearts."
Date: September 9, 2001
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, it is incumbent upon Heaven to prosper grace into the world towards each soul's conversion. This message of the revelation of the Chambers of Our United Hearts is such a grace; spread it far and wide to overcome sin - sin such as abortion, pornography and all sins of the flesh." "Pray that each soul be open to this message which is a salvific message, and then trust that Heaven is giving the grace for each soul to accept it." "I'm extending to you the Blessing of My Divine Love."
Date: September 15, 2001
Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Sorrows. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." "Dear children, during this hour of grief, understand that your Heavenly Mother stands at the foot of the Cross with you. I sorrow with you for this senseless loss of life. Place your sorrow deep within the wounds of My Jesus." "My message to you as a nation is this: GOD ALONE IS THE GIVER AND TAKER OF LIFE. Whenever man presumes to take upon himself the role of God, the world is changed forever." "A stark parallel emerges from this national tragedy. Within minutes the false sense of security this nation enjoyed was stripped away. Lives were destroyed. Violent death was incurred upon the innocent. So too, in the womb the security of the innocent baby is destroyed within minutes. Life is destroyed by the evil plans of another. It is called ‘abortion’, but it varies little from the national disaster your nation now mourns. Yet, who mourns with Me at the foot of the Cross for the senseless loss of these innocent lives? As a nation I invite you--I plead with you--to do so. Do not mourn one national tragedy and ignore the other." "Just as the planes became instruments of death by penetrating those buildings with a destructive force, so too, the instruments of the abortionists invade the privacy of the womb--wielding death. In each case the terrorists and the participants in abortion feel justified through convoluted thinking." "But My Son, the Just Judge, does not reason this way. He reasons with a righteous Heart. In His Infinite Mercy He stands ready to forgive the contrite heart--even the heart guilty of such heinous acts as these. My Jesus does not forgive the unrepentant." "My dear children, I have come to you so that you may be reconciled with God. The path of reconciliation is Holy Love. The path of judgment is arrogance, hatred and vengeance. God's judgment falls upon those people and nations who do not live in love. Therefore, I have come to call all people and every nation under the seal of Holy Love." "If you live in Holy Love--that is, your heart is loving--you will have love in your world around you. If you have evil in your heart, that too, will spread to the world around you. Evil begets evil. Love begets love." "My dear, dear little children, tonight more than ever, I need you to abandon yourselves to my Immaculate Heart which is Holy Love. When you begin to live these messages and hold them in your heart, you come under the seal of Holy Love. This is a special sign of your predestination, your salvation, and it is a sign to Satan that you belong to me. You do not have to travel many miles over land and sea to receive this special seal. For this seal is yours when you begin to live these messages." "Tonight my dear, dear children, my sympathy rests upon you. My prayers are with you, and I am carrying your petitions to Heaven. Do not fear--I am holding you in my arms, and tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
Date: September 22, 2001
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, you must pray that your government wakes up in time to bring peace to the world. Your government must no longer condone such evils as abortion and homosexuality. These are sins that gravely wound My Sacred Heart." "Further, I invite you to see that Satan will use this terrorist attack to further his agenda in the world--his agenda which includes a one world government." "Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: September 23, 2001
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Just as the security of the infant in the womb has been stripped away by the sin of abortion so too, the security of your nation is ebbing away due to the convoluted consciences of those inspired by Satan." "Your nation's security is in the Heart of My Mother which is Holy Love. Holy Love - the two commandments of love - oppose sin and evil in every form." "The race is on now. I invite and I plead with your nation to turn to the Heart of My Mother which weeps for you. Turn to Holy Love." "Yes, the race is on. Will it be Holy Love or the annihilation of life as you know it?"
Date: October 5, 2001
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." (Jesus and Blessed Mother were surrounded by the Rosary of the Unborn. There were large angels stationed at each of the 'Our Father' beads.) Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to ask you to stop killing the life I lovingly place in the womb. Each life that is snuffed out changes the world forever." "My brothers and sisters, I come to you today clothed in truth and openness. I hide nothing from you. I have no ulterior motive aside from the safety, salvation and well-being of every soul from the moment of conception until natural death. I beg your country today to take heed of My call to end legalized abortion. Do not wait until My solution is your last alternative." "I desire that all humanity unite under the Seal of Holy and Divine Love--the two great commandments that embrace all the commandments. Yes, I long to place My Kiss of Divine Love upon the heart of the world. Then abortion would cease--war would end and terror would lose her grip upon the throat of the world." "My brothers and sisters, it is when you do not place God first, and when you do not love your neighbor as you do yourselves, that right reason leaves you. Your consciences become compromised and you cannot distinguish good from evil. This is the state of confusion governments are in when they legislate unjust laws. It is the state of convoluted thinking that leads people to acts of terror. This is how souls open their hearts to Satan. The world cannot prosper in such confusion. Little by little, Satan is establishing his anarchy--first in hearts--then in the world." "But I have come to tell you what the adversary does not want you to hear; that is, that every Mass you attend, every Communion you receive, every holy hour you make, every prayer or rosary you say, weakens the enemy forever in some soul somewhere in the world. This is the way to victory, little by little--one soul at a time patiently persevering in Holy Love." "The war you are engaged in is not over property or even lives. It is about souls. It is good against evil. This is why I come here today seeking to place My Seal upon your hearts. My Seal is Holy and Divine Love. It is a sign to Satan that you belong to Me spiritually, and he can't have you. But I can only place My Seal upon your heart when you obey the two great commandments of love. Hasten to live the message and begin your journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts; for when I return in Victory, all will be in the Fifth Chamber of My Heart--the Kingdom of the Divine Will." "In truth I tell you that your nation's stance on legalized abortion is the determining factor in your national security. For years Heaven has stood by and watched as the security of the baby in the womb was violated and life taken. Solemnly I tell you, recognize abortion as a face of evil and an enemy to world security. You will not have genuine peace until abortion is overturned. Do not see My words to you today as a threat, but as a grace." "We are blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: October 6, 2001
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, every prayer you say against abortion defeats Satan in someone's life, in some way. Come against this heinous crime, the killing of the unborn. Every prayer you say repairs My Heart which is in anguish over this sin." "Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: October 14, 2001
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "I am Sovereign Good which must reign in every heart. Once again I come to tell you that IF YOUR NATION OVERTURNS LEGALIZED ABORTION, I WILL RICHLY BLESS IT BY MY FAVOR. BUT IF THIS SIN CONTINUES WITH NATIONAL APPROVAL, MUCH WILL BE STRIPPED AWAY. My brothers and sisters, recognize EVIL and pray against it." "I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: October 17, 2001
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Trust in Me for I lead you upon a certain and ordained path. Keep Me in the center of your heart. When you abandon yourself to Me, I am able to reveal to you the enemy and to help you roust him from your midst." "During these times of uncertainty, it is your lack of trust that leads to fear. But as you fear the enemy, see that I am in this call to holiness through Holy Love. Take your safe refuge in My Words which lead you into the Chambers of Our United Hearts." "Surrender to Me and do not fear the enemy no matter his disguise, for My weapon of Holy Love is stronger than any enemy. Holy Love does not take life, but breathes life into the world." "Satan is using abortion to bring destruction upon your nation. You must continue to pray against this evil. I reveal this truth to the world, for prayer is your hope and the way out of Satan's trap." "Make it known."
Date: October 28, 2001
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, today the Chambers of Our United Hearts has been revealed to you. Therefore, your hearts and your lives should change forever with the knowledge of this journey. Allow My Father to establish His Divine Will within your hearts in every present moment." "Peace will only come into the world when abortion is abolished and Holy Love is allowed to reign." "I'm extending to you the Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: November 5, 2001
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, as your world has become less secure, I invite you to find your peace and security within the Chambers of My Heart. Every soul that begins this journey strengthens the peace effort in the world, for once again I tell you, what is in your heart is also in the world around you." "Do not expect the sin of abortion to bear good fruit in the world then, for evil begets evil. I have come to you to draw you into holiness, sanctity and peace through the Will of My Father. My Father's Divine Will is the Light that illuminates the pathway to Heaven. It is a Refuge and a Fortress. It is the means by which I call you into the Chambers of My Divine Heart. But it is for each soul to choose it - to desire it." "Do not waste the present moment speculating about the future and what cataclysm may befall you next. The enemy wants you to fear. Fear opposes trust. Lack of trust opposes love. But you will find the way to peace of heart through Holy and Divine Love. Somberly, I come to offer to you once again this Divine solution to world peace." "My brothers and sisters, you must not be afraid of Satan's next move. I tell you that one rosary said from a loving heart is more powerful than any weapon of war. It is the rosary that changes opinions and unscrambles error in hearts. It is Holy Love in your heart when you pray that makes your prayers most powerful. These two - Holy Love and the rosary - will bring down Satan's empire in the end." "I have come today to heal and take petitions that are in your heart to Heaven with Me. Once again, I call you to realize that when you live in Holy Love, I place a special seal upon your heart. This seal is protection and a sign of your predestination. It will guard you against evil. But, my brothers and sisters, realize that you must be living in Holy Love from moment to moment to receive this seal." "We extend to you, as always, the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: December 9, 2001
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, do not be discouraged in your efforts against abortion. Satan has tried to compromise consciences so that they do not see the effects of this sin upon your nation and the world. But your prayers strengthen the illumination of consciences and will bring about My Victory." "Today I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: December 10, 2001
St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says: "Praise be to Jesus. I have come today to help you understand spiritual blindness. This is a form of pride fanned by Satan's deceit. The enemy encourages this type of pride. He places a veil over hearts so that they are unable to distinguish the presence of grace in their midst. In such cases the soul's thoughts become convoluted. He even sees good as evil, and evil as good. He has distorted hearing, extracting falsehood from truth. It is not long until spiritual envy consumes his heart. This type of jealousy bears with it rash judgment. But the soul views his rash judgments as discernment, for his thinking has become so convoluted." "The spiritually blind miss all the graces around them. They are easily led to apostasy, heresy, discouragement and even despair. They openly challenge the faith they once had. Often they are full of unforgiveness and, therefore, do not trust in God's Mercy and forgiveness." "If they should witness or hear of miracles, they are quick to discount them. They believe deep within that such things could never happen because they do not happen to them. For this reason, profound messages fall on deaf ears." "There is attendant to spiritual pride a spiritual sloth. Subconsciously they know that if they opened their hearts to the grace all around them, they would have to change interiorly. The spiritually blind are the compromised. These are the ones responsible for abortion. These are the ones who believe themselves to be Catholic, but challenge Church hierarchy. These souls miss the call to holiness that is the vocation of all souls. It is a chilling truth that they are answering Satan's call to perdition." "This lesson uncovers the enemy where he lies hidden in hearts. Make it known."
Date: December 12, 2001
Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe, and has the Rosary of the Unborn framed all around Her. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." "My dear children, My Son allows that I speak to you once again. I have come to help you realize your place in history and in current events. I have come to help you comprehend your place before God. You are busy vanquishing the enemy in a far-away land; yet you do not recognize him in your own nation in the form of legalized abortion. You do not recognize him in your own hearts when you sin. You sin when you do nothing to stop the atrocity of abortion. If you do not make your voice heard, especially before the Throne of My Son by praying against abortion, this sin will continue and the enemy will continue to win hearts." "Do not expect God to conform to your laws. You must conform to His laws. My Son has been very patient as He watches the life He forms in the womb destroyed. But, My children, His patience is wearing out and Heaven's warnings are becoming depleted." "When abortion was made legal, the future of your country was changed forever. World leaders have been annihilated, as too, great scientists. Jesus sends Me to you once again asking for an end to the enemy within. Put an end to abortion. Then your country will prosper once again." "Dear little children, tonight I have come to offer you the compassion of a Mother's Heart. Your country has begun a spiritual renewal under this president. My hope is that it will not fall short of calling a stop to legalized abortion. My hope is in your prayers. Do not fear subversive groups so much as you fear sin." "You must understand that you do not need a New World order--the world needs a new heart. You do not need a One World government--the world needs a universal heart of Holy Love. Life has a beginning and an end according to God's Divine Will. God alone must decide when and how each life begins and ends. Each time man interferes in this process, the heart of the world is farther removed from God's plan. It is then that discord comes into hearts and you experience war and violence." "My children, I am pleading with My Son for a new Pentecost to come soon upon all of earth--a Pentecost in which all hearts are enlightened as to their stance before God. In this hour of illumination, nothing will remain hidden under cover of darkness--all will be brought into the light. Pray with Me for this grace." "Dear children, I have come to help you put an end to Satan's reign of terror in hearts. The hour of My Grace is indeed upon you. Open your hearts, My children, and respond." "Dear children, do not let your prayers rise out of fear, but out of love. The more love you hold in your hearts, the closer you are to My Son and to Me. My Victory is in every heart that lives in Holy Love. Allow My Victory to reign in your hearts tonight." "Do not let Satan frighten you or cause you to have doubts. Am I not here? Am I not your Mother? Indeed, I hold you beneath My Mantle and in the crossing of My Arms. I have called you here tonight to listen to your petitions. This place I have set apart for all nations and every generation. My benediction and favor abide here for all generations. Here My Heart takes pity on all." "My dear children, thank you for praying with Me tonight against the sin of abortion. I have come to reassure you that Heaven is listening to your prayers. As you have worked so diligently to illuminate this field, Heaven is now illuminating hearts. You see signs of grace all around you. You see signs of Heavenly Lights. My dear children, do not be discouraged then, but know that I am with you, loving you. Trust in Me as I trust in you." "Tonight, My dear children, I am extending to you My Blessing of Holy Love."
Date: December 28, 2001
Jesus is here with ten angels. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, today commemorates the death of the Holy Innocents under Herod's reign. They suffered unjustly at the hands of one who wanted to protect his own power. Just as today innocent lives are lost in abortion; for those who are called to motherhood unjustly kill the innocent babies in their wombs in order to protect their own selfish wants and needs." "Let this be the year, My brothers and sisters, that the tide turns against abortion." "Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: January 13, 2002
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Please understand, My brothers and sisters, that you have abortion, terror and war in the world because it is in hearts. When I return love will be victorious in every heart. My victory will be one of Holy and Divine Love. It is only through Holy and Divine Love that I will triumph." "We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: February 5, 2002
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I have come to speak to all people and every nation about the sin that begets all sin. It is hedonism. This is the lie that Satan has nurtured in hearts so that belief is in pleasure, not in God's law. The soul grasps at the brass ring of whatever makes him happy in the present, thereby making any pleasure the law he forms his conscience around instead of God's law." "Stop and think of the prevalent sins today: Abortion --because the life in the womb is unwanted, it does not bring pleasure; every sort of crime against the innocents for the sake of momentary pleasure; greed in the business world, and consumerism because money is held as a god." "But I come to tell all people today that the law of Holy Love--love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself--is the law by which each one will be judged. It matters not if you believe in it, or if you do not believe in it. Holy Love is the basis of your salvation." "The greatest portion of My Mercy falls upon those deepest in sin. All they need do is turn their hearts towards Me for an instant, and I will flood their hearts with My forgiveness, and draw them to Me." "Do not make a god of pleasure or of your free will. To do so is to condemn yourself for all eternity. Turn to Me with a contrite heart. Love Me as I love you." "I have come to you to correct the hearts of those who have been mislead by Satan, and to correct the soul of the world. Do not think that because something gives you pleasure in the flesh that it is good and pleasing in the eyes of God. You must make all your moment by moment decisions according to My law of Holy Love, for when I return the Victory of the United Hearts will come through Holy and Divine Love. There will be no misfortune; souls will understand their place before God. Yes indeed, My Father's Kingdom to come is a Kingdom of Divine Love." "Today I tell you that a contrite heart is more pleasing to Me than many fervent prayers, many Holy Hours, a rigorous fast or even almsgiving. While all of these are important to holiness, it is the repentant heart I cherish. True repentance rises from a heart of Holy Love." "When you meditate upon My Passion and Death, you bring to Me contrite hearts. Never fail Me in this, then. Mercy begets mercy. When you give Me contrite hearts by your efforts, I will never fail you in My Mercy." "We are blessing you today with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: March 10, 2002
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I come to ask your continued prayers so that the evil that lies hidden in hearts does not take action in the world for much is hidden in darkness--evils that destroy life in the form of abortion, wars and other evil plans." "Continue to pray, My brothers and sisters, that hearts are illuminated and consciences are convicted as to the path they are choosing." "Today We are extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: March 23, 2002
St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says: "Praise be to Jesus. I thought you would never get here." (I was delayed for various reasons.) "When you are distracted by the affairs of the world or others' problems, the Lord Jesus feels forsaken for He is no longer at the center of your heart." "But listen to what I have come to tell you. The intellect is a delicate thing. If it is governed by pride, it causes every kind of sin and error to come into the heart. This is how discernment crosses the line to judgment. It is how the guarding of reputation becomes more important than committing sin--sins of calumny, theft, abortion and manifold more." "The intellect must be tamed, just as a wild beast is tamed. The intellect must come under the rule of a humble, loving and simplistic heart. It is only in this way the soul which God created can be united to its Creator." "To advance in these virtues of humility, love and simplicity, the soul must ask the Lord for the grace of self-knowledge to see where he is failing in these virtues. Without the courage to do this, he will never conquer his disordered self-love which will motivate his thoughts, words and deeds." "It is only when the intellect and Holy Love in the heart work as one that the soul advances through the Chambers of the United Hearts."
Date: April 5, 2002
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus and Our Lady greet Father Kenney (Maureen's spiritual director) by nodding Their Heads toward him, and a light came from Blessed Mother's Heart onto Father Kenney. Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, do not languish longer in disbelief, for this is the compromise Satan presents to you, to keep you from living the message of Holy and Divine Love. Nor should you allow your hearts to give in to the temptation of discouragement and fear. Trust in Me--trust in My Mercy. Await with joyful hope the coming victory of Our United Hearts." "I have come to bring peace to hearts--hearts that will trust in My Mercy. My Divine Mercy is from age to age and from horizon to horizon upon the repentant heart. My Mercy falls upon all mankind, not out of deservedness, but out of each one's need." "Once again I remind you that those who love Me--trust in Me. To trust in Me is to trust in the attribute of My Mercy. It is the unrepentant whose hearts I have come to change. These are the ones who do not look into their own hearts. They do not try to earn their salvation through love. This is why the world is torn asunder with every kind of sin. The fruit of these sins is war. Because so little value is placed upon human life, the sins today far outweigh the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah." "This is why the message and the mission here of Holy and Divine Love far exceed any in attempting to form hearts in love. This is why the messages lay bare Satan--his snares and his tactics. Do not be surprised at the inroads Satan has made where he is exposed, or the types of sins which are now coming to light. This could not remain under the cover of darkness longer. While it is bringing down those in high places, even within the Church, it is necessary in order that the festering sore be healed. Many consciences now will be stripped of their compromise. Just as the mission here is the salvation of souls, it must be so in My Church, as well. Reputation and money cannot be first. All must be surrendered to Me." "I tell you the greatest threat to mankind today is not terrorism, certain infamous and elusive leaders or even nuclear weapons. The greatest threat is the evil hidden in hearts that would exceed any lengths to obtain its end. I tell you there is an evil alliance forming in certain hearts which will come to light soon. This is not a war over territories or boundaries, but a war between good and evil." "The mission here--though ecumenical--will continue as a strong link to orthodoxy and tradition. It will become even stronger and sought out as a spiritual refuge amidst blight. The boundaries of this mission will expand, both in hearts and in the world. The enemy's tongue will be tied. He will be seen to trip over his own tail. He will be seen to be like a lion without teeth or claws--harmless in the face of the good My mission will accomplish." "The Rosary of the Unborn will become the weapon of choice, both in Heaven and on earth in the war against abortion --so prepare for this. Take up your arms, children of God. Prepare! Stalemates which have affected My mission until now will be resolved. Projects will continue and begin anew. Those who defend and assist this mission, I will defend and assist. Those who make themselves your adversaries are My adversaries, as well." "Today We are blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: May 4, 2002
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Their Hearts are exposed, and they are framed with the Rosary of the Unborn. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Your prayers tonight, My brothers and sisters, have assuaged the grieving Heart of your Savior and of your Heavenly Mother. Many hearts of mothers who were considering abortion have been changed because of your prayers on this rosary tonight. Many unborn children assuredly have been saved from this terrible death." "Continue to pray this way as We bless you with Our Blessing of the United Hearts."
Date: May 11, 2002
Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Fatima. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." "My children, you must learn to offer to My Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of My Beloved Son all the indignities, oppression and uncertainties that surround this mission. For I tell you, a great threat awaits the world--a chastisement greater than you suffered in this country in September. It is coming, My children, unless the Heart of My Beloved Son can be appeased for the great sin of abortion." "Therefore, it is necessary and important that you disseminate the Rosary of the Unborn as quickly, and in as many ways as possible. My Son deems that this message can be made public on this eve that you celebrate Mother's Day. For I, the Mother of all nations and the Mother of Love, cooperate always with My Son's Heart and the Will of the Eternal Father." "And so, My children, remember it is the remnant faithful that will find their true peace in these last days." "I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
Date: June 7, 2002 -- Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I welcome you here this evening and I ask your continued prayers for the TRIUMPH of Our United Hearts." "When you return to the field tonight to await My Mother's visit, please allow your hearts to be lifted above concerns with the world. Do not think about who sees what or who says what--or even who believes what. But allow My Divine Love to take sovereignty over your hearts. In this way My Father's Will will be accomplished in you." (Jesus stretches out His Arms over the people here.) "My brothers and sisters, My Sacred Heart mourns the loss of life that sin brings about. Even more do I mourn the ones who say they love Me, but by their attitudes condone abortion, birth control, euthanasia and suicide. Do they not see the choices they are making by their inaction?" "The way to surrender completely to My Sacred Heart is to say 'yes' to the law of Holy Love in every present moment. Do not say 'yes' with part of your heart and hold onto self-love with the other part. I desire all--in every moment. Do not think of yourself--how you are affected by events or people around you. Keep your heart centered only on Me--because you love Me. Let Me direct each present moment. Then I will be part of you and bless you." "Tonight in this present moment I impart to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: June 7, 2002 – Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus/Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed Mother is here all in white with Her Heart exposed. She says: "Praise be to Jesus. Tonight I come to speak to the world with an impassioned plea to return to love. Peace is held hostage by those who serve false gods. I speak specifically of the god of disordered self-love. The fruits of this type of love are pride, ambition, distorted thinking and speaking, fear and terror." "I do not come to bring anxiety into hearts about future events which hang in the balance. Once again I come to call the heart and soul of the world into the Heart of My Son through My Immaculate Heart. I invite My children to realize that My Heart is ready to prepare the most hardened sinner to meet My Son. When souls are thus prepared they are at peace. They do not seek what is not theirs for they possess all." "Dear children, your Mother weeps for you. I weep for the ones who are My victim souls and carry the weight of the cross in their hearts. I weep for the ones who choose ignorance as to the path they take. I weep most bitterly for those who hear My impassioned plea to choose Holy Love, but reject it. I am the Sorrowful Mother of all nations and every heart." "Dear children, the greatest miracle is the heart that returns to the path of righteousness leaving sin and error behind. These are the ones that all of Heaven rejoices for. Each one who comes here receives the grace he needs to become more holy. Many today trust only in themselves--in human effort--in weapons of destruction." "My children, I have come here tonight to help you to trust only in the grace of My Immaculate Heart for this is a source of power no human effort can match. It is through the grace of My Heart that mankind can discover the evil that lies hidden in hearts before it takes place in the world. But you must pray, My children--pray and ask for evil in hearts to be laid bare. Pray and forgive one another. Then I will protect you." "Remember always, violence begets violence. When you kill life in the womb you give Satan power both in hearts and in the world. This fact bears out in truth in the forms of disease, terrorism and natural disasters. How much will you suffer before you understand?" "My dear, dear children, do not be anxious or afraid, for your Heavenly Mother is here and I am listening to your prayers. My precious children, make of your hearts oblations of Holy Love, and I will take your petitions to Heaven. Pray with Holy Faith, Holy Love, and persevere in every virtue towards the end of the terrible sin of abortion." "I am protecting you, My children, in the Refuge of My Heart, and tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
Date: July 1, 2002
St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says: "Praise be to Jesus. Today the conscience of the world has become obtuse--that is, spiritually blind. It is as though a force has a stranglehold on the heart of the world preventing it from discerning evil." "All that grabs media attention--terrorism, violence, abortion, pedophilia, homosexuality, and even liberal feminism are evil spirits. Those who practice these things are cooperating with Satan. You will not read this in newspapers or hear it on TV, for the thrust is today to deal with the problem (if it is viewed as a problem), and not the cause which is evil itself." "How can the people of God combat the evil that has wrapped its tentacles around our society--even our churches and seminaries? Call it what it is. Do not be compliant with the evil by being silent or accepting terminology Satan inspires, like: alternate life style, planned parenthood, inclusive language, freedom of choice and more. Expose evil for what it is." "Pray the rosary--the weapon of choice against Satan. It is no accident that many who embrace these evil spirits also oppose the rosary. Make holy hours of adoration. Each holy hour weakens Satan's kingdom. Have Masses said for those who cooperate with evil. The Mass is the most powerful prayer." "Most of all, do not be silent. Be a vocal force against Satan in the world today." Date: July 5, 2002 Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. It is the Divine and Perfect Will of My Eternal Father that I come to you today in order to increase, unite and strengthen the remnant faithful. From this day forward ALL My public messages to you will be under the title: DIVINE LOVE SPEAKS TO THE REMNANT FAITHFUL. It is this REMNANT that perseveres in the TRADITION OF FAITH despite all obstacles." "I come, My brothers and sisters, to bring you into the richness of My Sacred Heart. I desire to share with you the bitter grievances of My Heart. I ask that you reflect upon these grievances and assuage My Heart with your love--your Holy Love." "First and foremost, I grieve for the loss of innocence in the world. Because of modern communications and travel, this loss of the virtue of chastity is more widespread than ever before. Innocent little children are used and exploited by a pleasure-seeking segment of the population." "Closely adjoined to this grievance is the taking of innocent lives through artificial birth control and abortion. Artificial contraception is most often just another form of abortion. The innocent lives I give are destroyed before they can flourish in the womb. Couples prefer the pleasure, but not the new life." "I also grieve for the worship of false idols by so many. The gods of money, power and unnatural sins of the flesh have consumed the heart of the world." "I come to you today to ask you, not only to soothe My aching Heart, but the Heart of My Mother who suffers intimately along with Me. The only solution for all of these grievances of My Heart is Holy Love; for Holy Love alone can heal all wounds." "I desire the welfare of your souls which can only come to you through love. Therefore, I call you into the spectrum of Holy Love which is holiness and salvation itself. This alone is the solution to man's desensitization towards God and His commandments. Holy Love dictates an end to terror in the womb and in the world. Holy Love calls all humanity to unite and to step into the First Chamber of Our United Hearts. Outside of Holy Love, you are not living in harmony with God's Divine Will." "I am blessing you today with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: July 6, 2002
"I come as Jesus, born Incarnate to address My remnant faithful." "My brothers and sisters, some hearts question the message that was given yesterday on the 5th of the month. They question why I would place the destruction of innocence and chastity in young ones ahead of abortion. Babies who are aborted receive a baptism of blood and they always choose the light when they see it and are saved. But the innocent children whose chastity and purity is destroyed by others often receive spiritual harm and some, because of the crimes perpetrated against them, choose damnation when they do come to Me later in life; and this is why it is a greater abomination to Me than even abortion itself." "Here you see, My brothers and sisters, the soul is of the utmost importance; and so, that is why I urge you to pray against pornography and any kind of molestation of the young." "Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: July 14, 2002
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, I have come to call you into deeper humility, for it is only in this way that you can more clearly see your trespasses against Holy Love--that is, all your sins. True humility puts on no pretense to impress others. True humility does not seek the limelight. True humility realizes the great error in abortion and prays against it sincerely from the heart." "So today, My brothers and sisters, We're extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: July 18, 2002
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come so that you might know and understand the intimacies of My Heart. Each present moment My Heart sees victory and defeat. Each moment I am victorious in hearts that embrace Holy Love. Each moment righteousness is defeated in those who accept abortion and artificial birth control, in those who violate the innocence of children, those who through pride accept apostasy, schism and heresy. Each moment I am consoled by the simple and humble, and grieved by the ambitious and proud. Many think they are saved who slip to their perdition. I do not ask that souls surrender to Me once, but always and in every present moment." "Sacrileges against My Real Presence in the forms of bread and wine begin in the heart that opens itself to arrogance. Arrogance accepts its own truth rather than any authority. So you see, as I am respected and esteemed by many in the Holy Eucharist, I am at the same time blasphemed." "These and many more reasons are why I need your prayers in the present moment."
Date: September 15, 2002
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be to Jesus. My dear children, please pray an 'Our Father' and 'All Glory Be' with Me so that evil that lies in hearts may be revealed." "From the beginning of time God has foreseen the shadow of evil that would overtake hearts and the world if they did not choose the Divine Will. Each nation that has become hedonistic in the past has fallen to ruin. But your nation today has become arrogant. Do not think that to unite against terrorism is enough--or the solution. You must be united in Holy Love. For only spiritual union can defeat this spiritual evil." "Because of advances in communications, travel and weaponry, the most remote areas of the world are at your doorstep. Territories that are fought over on the other side of the globe yield a worldwide threat. Beliefs and ideals that promote hate and violence once seemed worlds away. Now, they are in your midst." "Never has there been a more crucial hour in human history. Never has there been a greater need for conversion of hearts through Holy Love." "It is not enough to rely on diplomacy or to amass great weapons. These rely on human effort and promote false security. You must put your trust in God through Holy Love. When you bring God into the equation, He will act on your behalf. He will thwart the enemies of those who trust in Him. He will bring true peace to your hearts and to the world." "Today, My dear children, there is the threat of germ warfare and you fear the spread of certain diseases. But a greater threat than any disease that attacks your body is the spiritual disease that already is present in epidemic proportions. The symptoms of this disease are apathy, death of innocence, abortion and paganism. While this spiritual disease invades all walks of life--even the Church itself--it goes unchecked, destroying the soul's relationship with His Creator." "But you can be inoculated against this deadly, spiritual disease--pray, fast, come close to My Beloved Son in the Eucharist. Then you will progress in trust and love, and the enemy of your soul will be warded off." "I invite your country to unite once again under God. Put your trust in God. He will then be with you in every battle and through every conflict." "Heaven is watching the unfolding of events in the troubled Middle East. Once again, I remind you that Satan is the father of lies. Do not believe in him. Sometimes it is necessary to choose the greater good--to lose some lives in battle in order to prevent the loss of many. Such was the case with St. Joan D'Arc." "Be united under the Flag of Refuge of Holy Love. Your victory will then be sealed in Heaven and on earth. I continually intercede on behalf of your good president. To those who would oppose him because of the risk of loss of life, I say--oppose abortion, instead. This, too, is a battle. More Americans lose their lives on this battlefield than in any of your wars." "I am taking the petitions in the hearts of those here tonight to Heaven with Me to present them to My Son." "My dear, dear children, tonight I invite you to understand that the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart is your port in any storm. Tonight I am pressing all of your needs into My Heart. Come to Me, My children. When you return to your homes and points of origin, and you remember the miracles of this evening, remember the greatest miracle is the message itself. Begin the journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. I love you, My dear children, and I am always with you." "I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
Date: September 16, 2002
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, thank you for persevering through the inclement weather Saturday evening. The heavy rain represented the torrent of tears that My Mother sheds for the unborn that are lost through abortion. It also represents the flood of grace that is coming into the world through this mission." "Please make it known." "We're blessing you tonight with Our Blessing of the United Hearts."
Date: October 7, 2002
St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He bows before the tabernacle and says: "Praise be to Jesus." "The Holy Mother has sent me to talk to you about the rosary. Some people--even Church leaders--make light of it, you know. But the power of the rosary has not changed over the centuries. If more would pray it, abortion would be recognized for what it is. The acceptance of abortion by any country's leaders places the country in jeopardy; for this sin alone brings about wars, natural disasters, political confusion and economic collapse." "Devotion to the holy rosary places the soul under the Blessed Mother's protection--certainly a place anyone should seek to be during these times. Carrying the rosary with you is a sign to Satan that you belong to Mary." "Meditation upon the mysteries of the rosary brings the soul closer to Jesus, and leads him away from sin. The rosary is a decisive weapon against Satan's kingdom in this world." "Once the soul begins daily recitation of the rosary, the Blessed Mother pursues him--seeking his sanctity and deeper commitment to prayer." "Make this known."
Date: October 13, 2002
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother comes as Our Lady of Fatima. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, when My Mother appeared in the world in 1917, abortion was not a legal option anywhere in the world. Through this message of Holy and Divine Love, you are required to oppose abortion both in hearts and in the world, for this is what living in Holy Love dictates. Pray against abortion, and pray for those who even consider it in their hearts." "Today, We are extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: October 9, 2002
Our Lady comes. She says: "Praise be to Jesus. Today, My messenger, we begin the task of pronouncing a treatise to My Remnant, and in particular the Confraternity of the United Hearts. It is through this Confraternity that I will weave together a strong vestment of traditional faithful. This vestment will withstand the wind of controversy, and the floods of compromise that have begun and will continue to sweep through the Church." "Because the Church was built on 'rock', it will not succumb. But for all intents and purposes, it will seem to crumble. There will be much confusion in the hearts of the leaders and in the laity, as well. Even now, it has begun." "It is the Confraternity that will lead souls on the sure path during this age of darkness which descends upon the Church. The spirituality of the Remnant will remain strong and uncompromised, for it will be protected in Our United Hearts. Faith will return as in ages past when the darkness is overcome."
Date: October 14, 2002
"I am Mary, Virgin Mother of God. Praise be to Jesus. I come to fill your heart and the world with My grace. I come to tighten the threads of the Remnant Faithful. I come to unite the Confraternity in Holy and Divine Love." "Please understand, My children, these perilous times in which you live, Satan is fighting his last battle. It is a decisive battle waged against Holy Love. The final victory will be a Victory of Love. But until the Triumph, My little ones will suffer much persecution. I speak not only of a persecution in the body, but in spirit, as well. In the spiritual battle which lies at hand, you will be able to persevere only through Holy Love." "Do not succumb to the lukewarm spirits around you; nor can you allow yourselves to be discouraged by the heresy and apostasy which abounds around you. You must be My warriors in this battle of good against evil. If you surrender to complacency or to popular opinion which may oppose Holy Love, you have chosen sides with My adversary. Persevere, My children--be My martyrs of love."
Date: October 17, 2002
Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be to Jesus. My daughter, today in this present moment you feel the peace and security of My Heart. The time approaches when you and all those in the world will be challenged as never before. It will be a time of great perplexities, such as the world has never known. Plenty will give way to want. Necessities will be redefined. Economic systems will be extorted by those seeking power. More importantly, in this darkest of hours faith will be put to the test by My adversary who will take religion into his own hands as a means of rising to power." "It is only through an outpouring of grace from your Heavenly Mother's Heart that My children will be brought to safety. Through the grace of this Heavenly refuge, the impossible will be made possible." "Perhaps you see some of these signs I speak of as already in your midst. Perhaps you believe the darkest hour is at hand. I desire My children realize it is only beginning." "Let My message of Holy Love be your mainstay. Let the certainty of the Refuge of Holy Love--My Immaculate Heart--undermine the enemy's plans to unsettle your peace. Take refuge in the Holy Love message, for this is the embrace of My Heart." "Today, I am raising up the Confraternity of Our United Hearts as a mighty army against Satan's plans. In the end, love will be victorious."
October 27, 2002
"Praise be to Jesus. My daughter, you recognize Me under this title 'Protectress of the Faith'. It is by merit of this title--evil flees and the Tradition of Faith lies protected beneath My Mantle of Love." "Had your country abandoned itself to Me under this most powerful title, whole segments of her populace would have been saved and faith upheld. As it is, error has scattered the true Tradition of Faith to the four winds. Hypocrisy and heresy go unchecked." "But I have returned to you under this title of 'Protectress of the Faith', and I ask that you begin once again to propagate it. Essentially, it is approved by another Bishop in another country. I am inviting you not to await approvals from high places at this time. The trials are too profound and numerous against the faith. My little ones are overwhelmed with controversy." "I come that you might have this weapon--"Mary Protectress of the Faith'--with which to wage war against the enemy who seeks to destroy your faith." "Make it known."
Date: November 5, 2002
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." (Blessed Mother gave a personal message to Fr. Kenney.) "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come once again to address My Remnant Faithful. Today, the woes of the world can be summed up in one word--greed. This greed is founded on selfishness--an inordinate self-love. I have come into the world at this site as Divine Love--My Mother as Holy Love. This Love is juxtaposed to greed which brings hatred and unforgiveness into the heart." "The more the human heart is centered on self, the less he can surrender to Divine Love. The first step in surrender is to give up and give to Me all your wants. The second step is to give Me all your needs. The last step is to trust Me and My plans for you." "But when you look at the problems of the world today, you can see that, for the most part, people and nations trust only in themselves and their human efforts. This is why there is an escalated arms race, an unequal distribution of resources, abortion and embryonic experimentation, and every possible sin against human decency." "The world has not learned from its own history--that it cannot exist apart from God--that it cannot thrive outside of love. Indeed, earth is separating itself from the Divine, seemingly unaware of its dependence on the Divine Will." "Today, I am lifting up My Remnant Faithful as an army of love. You are My prayer warriors and My brigade of victim souls. It is only by merit of your efforts that the Arm of Justice is withheld." "The sacred journey of the Chambers of Our United Hearts has been reserved for this hour of tribulation; for this journey is the way out of violence, war and sin. This journey is the road to salvation, holiness, perfection and sanctity. I caution you, no one can make the journey without looking into his own heart. This is what holds many back." "It is only by Divine Love and Divine Mercy that the world has not seen even greater chastisement than it has. It is the foolhardy that do not see that. Earth must hasten to her conversion through Holy Love. My Mother weeps bitter tears for lives that will be cut short because of hatred in hearts." "In days to come the arrogant nation will be brought to its knees. What is hidden in darkness will be brought into the light. The just will cry out and be shown My Mercy. Indeed, the sun is setting on this age of hypocrisy, and rising on the age of truth." "My dear Remnant Faithful, in you is My hope. In you rests the security and the peace of the world at large. I am depending upon, and relying upon your relentless prayers and sacrifices; for it is by this means I can extend grace--extraordinary grace--to souls and to the world--graces that can change history forever." "I am asking you, My little lambs, to go amongst the wolves and propagate the Chambers of Our United Hearts. Do not fear the ways in which it is received. Some will accept it for what it is--the way of salvation, holiness and sanctity; others will doubt. Still others will reject what you offer completely. Do not lose heart. Persevere!" "We extend to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
November 7, 2002
Our Lady comes framed in the Rosary of the Unborn. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." "Dear children, please understand I am here today much as I was at Fatima. The full energy of Heaven exhorts your prayers and sacrifices. When I appeared in Fatima the world was engaged in war. Today, My children, it is still so--and the war has intensified. It is fought in every human heart. It is the battle between good and evil. When evil wins over a heart, sin is the result. This is why you have abortion, terrorism and every form of human indecency." "The great apostasy of faith which I revealed to the children at Fatima is within the Church today. People that seek their own agenda were easily won over by My adversary. The Holy Father who has already won the crown of sanctity suffers to a great degree. This apostasy, you see, reaches even the highest positions within the Church itself. So, My little children, understand that because this apostasy remains clothed in goodness, it is an even greater threat to the faithful." "We must not relent in prayer and sacrifice during these end times. My Mantle of Protection is over the Remnant Faithful." "Make this known."
November 25, 2002
"Praise be to Jesus. My angel, this message must be carried into the world. Historically, the Church has been slow to move on private revelation, apparitions and the like. Discernment is good and necessary, but it should not stand in the way of the genuine. The Church needs to be open to the positive aspects of such phenomena instead of groping to find the negative." "Many important events and revelations have been squelched and defeated by this attitude. One of these was My title 'Protectress of the Faith' which was so timely and necessary. This title carried with it the grace to overcome the crisis of faith your country now faces. Under this title I was ready to overcome Satan in hearts, in families, in communities and in the priesthood." "Now I come to you under a new title 'Refuge of Holy Love'. My faithful children have the power to carry this title into the world along with the title "Protectress of the Faith'. Do so! When you repeat 'Mary Protectress of the Faith' and "Refuge of Holy Love', the enemy will flee. It will be your spiritual refuge in the troubles which lie ahead." "Your enemy is not a certain maniacal dictator, but Satan himself who seeks to destroy this planet and all on it. Therefore, you need your Heavenly Mother's protection. Do not wait for sanctions and approvals. There is not enough time. Spread this message wherever you go."
Date: December 8, 2002
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "Today, once again I invite you into the Flame of My Heart--the Flame of Divine Love. Understand that when I was born, I came into the world in the poorest and humblest of conditions. And so today I invite you to pray for all expectant mothers, that they accept the conditions in which providence has placed them, and that they trust in Heaven's provision in their every need. Thus, they will safeguard the life within them." "Today I am extending to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: January 5, 2003
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here in white with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I come to you during these times and for all eternity as Divine Love. I desire that you understand that as I have opened My Heart to you, I await My Triumph of Love when all hearts will open to Me." "My Mother's pleas and appeals--here and in other parts of the world--seem to fall on deaf ears. All that She forewarned concerning Satan's presence within the Church has now been undeniably revealed. Events in the world at large which My Mother predicted have also occurred. Some are yet to come if the wrath of My Father is not turned away through your prayers and sacrifices." "Today I am inviting this generation to recognize the precarious position that the world is in. Every nation, every government--indeed every soul--is only as secure as he is before God. No one can be secure before God outside of My Father's Will which is Holy Love. Understand, then, that Holy Love is the solution of every problem, the footpath to righteousness and the reconciliation between creature and Creator." "All of the fears, all of the insecurities you face in the world today, do not exist when you abandon yourself to Me through the gateway of Holy Love. I invite you to live in the Light of Truth where there is no compromise. I have come to you in truth to reveal to you not what you want to hear, but what you need to hear. So long as you have legalized abortion in the world, you will have war and many reasons for insecurity amongst nations." "Countries will never be at peace until they choose God first and neighbor second. When you begin to live in Holy Love, you will begin to see into Satan's compromises which lead to every kind of sin, including abortion. But if you allow your hearts to compromise Holy Love, your lives will be compromised, as well, and you will embrace untruths." "Satan's lies have led you to believe that abortion is freedom when it IS really slavery to sin. Humanity must first free himself of captivity to sin in order to bring peace into the world." "It is you, My Remnant Faithful, that must pull together in order that the pathway to Our United Hearts may be made known. Make amends to Our United Hearts for those who are apathetic and unremorseful. Make sacrifices, do penance and pray for the unrepentant." "It is you, My Faithful Remnant, that hold back the Arm of Justice in this hour of darkness which has fallen upon the world and the Church itself. You are the ones, if you choose it, who can suspend natural laws and change the course of human history." "My brothers and sisters, when you return to your points of origin, I desire that you imitate the Immaculate Heart of My Most Holy Mother which is Holy Love. It is through you I will strengthen and increase the Faithful Remnant. You must be the little lights in the world that lead to the pure Light of Divine Love." "We bless you now with Our Blessing of the United Hearts."
Date: January 12, 2003
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, today I have come to ask on behalf of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary that this mission, this prayer group be united--first in Holy Love--then in prayer and sacrifice. In this way you become a greater weapon in My Hands to oppose the evil of abortion which threatens the peace of the world." "We're extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: January 27, 2003
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to speak to you about love, trust and the Divine Will of My Father. My Finger rests upon the pulse of this nation. I tell you solemnly, every error is due to lack of love. Abortion --even birth control--would not exist in your nation or the world if hearts were perfected in love. Holy Love leads to trust in Divine Providence. This trust then, leads to acceptance of the Divine Will." "My Father's Will reaches into the past, is present with you now, and awaits you in the future. The soul must understand that My Father's plan for every present moment is perfect and without flaw. So, trust is dependent upon a more perfect love; and both love and trust combine to carry the soul into the Divine Will." "Your nation can learn from this lesson. Make it known."
Date: February 17, 2003
St. Thomas Aquinas comes and says: "Praise be to Jesus." "I have come to help you see that God's Justice is the broom that sweeps away the debris of Satan's lies. The debris of Satan's lies is the evil that has been accepted in hearts as truth. Our Mother's images weep in the world today and even at this site, for She sees the world racing towards God's Justice." "In any given moment the truth of Holy Love and the truth which is Holy Love is challenged and compromised by abortion, greed, exploitation of innocence--even world leaders who portray lies as truth and truth as lies. Always remember, Satan is the father of lies." "You must stand up for the truth with courage as the saints did before you. Otherwise you stand to be swept away by God's broom of Justice. Begin now--in this present moment--to see truth as Holy Love."
Date: March 3, 2003
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to encourage you--not to reproach you. I have come so that you can make these things known." "Never be afraid to stand up for the truth. My Remnant must hear this and take it to heart. Those who strike the Church from within must be confronted. The sacraments themselves are under attack. My True and Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist is challenged. The sacrament of reconciliation is taken lightly even though it is the precious gift of My Mercy." "The holy priesthood has become a hotbed of controversy. Every aspect of this institution of the priesthood has been challenged and trodden upon. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is under attack, as well. Those who oppose sin are most often mocked rather than applauded. Is it any wonder My Mother weeps?" "You cannot have a 'live and let live' attitude in this world without answering for it in the next. Understand, every sin affects the whole world and the course of human events, just as every communion, every prayer, every holy hour, every corporal work of mercy affects the entire world." "Do not endorse sins such as abortion and homosexuality by not opposing them. You can pray against them--you can join and/or support organizations which oppose them. Most of all, do not be afraid to stand up for the Tradition of Faith. Let go of your reputation and live in truth. You are no more than you are in My Eyes."
Date: March 9, 2003
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, whenever you pray against the sin of abortion, pray that self-love is overcome in every heart; for it is self-love that leads souls to kill the life within the womb. Pray that all hearts are consumed with the virtue of Holy Love, for this is the only victory." "I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: June 5, 2003
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. They greet the priests in the apparition room by nodding and motioning to Their Hearts. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to help all nations towards victory. The victory I speak of is the victory of righteousness in hearts. Each heart that turns towards Me is a victory, and becomes part of My Crown of Victory which will reign over Our United Hearts when I return. This Crown of Victory is comprised of the army of victim souls that My Mother continues to call together. Within this Crown of Victory are all who live in Holy Love." "Today, so much of the human race embraces defeat. Defeat is all that opposes Holy Love. Defeat is wrapped in self-absorption with little regard to consequence to neighbor. Every cataclysmic event, whether it be nature itself or man-made, such as abortion, crimes against innocents, terrorism or the like, are the result of mankind's turning away from love of God and neighbor…" "Realize the power of My Name - indeed, the power of calling on your Jesus in times of temptation and trial. When you say My Name, all of Heaven comes to attention. The power of My Precious Blood covers you and evil is made to vanish. When you say even more - 'Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us' - evil will be revealed, for Satan cannot remain hidden when I am thus invoked. When you pray - 'United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, guide and protect us' - Satan not only flees but the path you must follow in righteousness is laid bare." "I endeavor to point out that these little ejaculatory prayers are just that - prayers. These are not magic words, but prayers which when prayed from the heart bring results according to the Father's Holy and Divine Will. A prayer from the heart rises from a heart steeped in Holy Love." "You wonder why I am speaking about small little prayers from the heart on a day when I should be addressing all people and every nation. If people learn how to pray - how to invoke Heavenly aid in time of need - they will begin to depend on prayer as a way out of every crisis, not only on a personal scale but also events on a world scale." "What I am saying to you today is let Me be Lord of each present moment. When world events and natural events are surrendered to Me, I carry out the Father's Divine Will. It is important that each soul surrenders. When souls hold back and do not trust Me, My efforts are weakened both in their lives and in the world." "You do not see what lies ahead. My Mother sheds many tears for what She sees and knows. I remain still your Merciful Jesus. Turn to Me in trustful surrender." "Certain events will occur universally that will be compelling towards surrender to Divine Providence. Hearts which do not know how to surrender - hearts which do not trust in Me - will fall into despair. Manifest will My grace be in the hearts and lives of those who trust. You cannot compare the small tests you have had in trustful surrender with what lies ahead if more hearts do not hasten to their conversion." "My brothers and sisters, here in this MISSION, I offer you and open to you the innermost Chambers of My Sacred Heart. Every grace that you need to enter and proceed into these Chambers is offered through the Heart of My Mother. But I will never impede man's free will." "Choose according to Holy Love and I will bless your journey even now, as We bless you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: August 10, 2003
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, support life and protect it from conception to natural death, and you will be doing God's Holy and Divine Will. You can support and protect life by praying against the evils that threaten it - abortion and euthanasia - and by sacrificing that these evils are overthrown in hearts. Speak up against all that opposes natural life." "Today I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: September 15, 2003
Blessed Mother is here as the Sorrowful Mother. She says: "All praise, honor and glory to My Son, Jesus." There are hundreds of angels above all the people here, and around Blessed Mother angels are holding the Rosary of the Unborn. Blessed Mother says: "Dear children, I come to you once again on this commemoration of My Sorrows to offer you the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart which is Holy Love itself. Today every freedom is threatened through slavery to sin. All around you are wars and violence. All of this comes from hearts that fail in Holy Love - hearts full of malice and vengeance. You see terrorism and war as conflicts between nationalities and religions. I tell you, these things occur when hearts fail to answer My universal call to live in Holy Love." "Each heart must become an imitation of My Motherly Heart. Each heart must be like a little Refuge of Holy Love if you desire to live in peace and according to God's plan for you. False promises between men beget false peace. I am here to show you the way of genuine peace. You must respond with your free will. Otherwise, My words will do you no good, and the path to peace that I lay bare will go untraveled." "Dear children, I come to you tonight to draw apart My Remnant Faithful. You are the ones who cling tenaciously to the Tradition of Faith no matter the onslaught of compromise. You must not allow yourselves to be tricked by the evil one and to become part of the modern day sub-culture. This is a culture that worships the false god of self. When self becomes more important than God and neighbor, you have every sort of crime against innocence, abortion - all forms of debauchery. Anything is made to appear good if it serves self." "I am asking each of you, My dear children, to turn your hearts over to Me before it is too late. I cannot be victorious in your heart unless you choose it. You are not part of My Remnant because you say so, but because you have given your heart over to Holy Love and you cling to the faith." "Tonight the favor of My Heart rests upon you. My Son allows His Heart to be moved by your petitions. Many situations will be resolved in and through Holy Love soon. Marriages will be restored in love. Hearts that are convicted tonight of errors against the commandments of love will find a new relationship with God. Heaven will open Her arms to the sinner. God's Divine Will will be accepted in peace. Priests will be strengthened in their vocations and each one here will find their vocation in holiness. Those who suffer afflictions will find peace in My Motherly Arms. Tonight My Heart is truly the accommodation, both of sorrow and of joy. Tonight the Cross and the Victory are one." "Many of you have traveled far distances, both physically and spiritually. For some of you, your hearts have been far away from Me. I have called you, My dear children, come to Me and allow your hearts to be converted. Oh, how I cry copious tears for those who will not turn their hearts over to Me. The greatest natural resource any country can have is not gold or silver or oil, but is a righteous heart - a heart that seeks God." "My dear, dear children, I weep for you. Yes, I weep for you but I rejoice as well, as I see many here who will change their hearts." "Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
Date: October 5, 2003
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come today once again repeating My universal call to enter these Chambers of Holy and Divine Love. My invitation to all mankind is unrelenting. In the days of Noah, a chosen few were called into the ark before God's Justice visited earth. These few were ridiculed and set upon by the unbelievers." "But today I am opening the 'ark' of Our United Hearts to all people - all nations. Hasten into the protection of this spirituality. Do not lament persecution. Rather, pray for your persecutors that they recognize their errors in time. Always, for the sake of love and mercy, point the way to this latter day ark of Our United Hearts. Many will scoff, but some may find the way who otherwise would not." "Pass the Blessing of Our United Hearts along freely. You can accomplish this in the sanctuary of your own heart. This Blessing can melt the iron will of many an unbeliever. Do not doubt what I freely give with love. To do so compromises the Blessing." "Pass this Blessing along to your President and your legislators that they will successfully overturn the hideous sin of abortion." "My brothers and sisters, each of you has come here for an individual reason today - some to find answers, some to petition Our United Hearts, some out of curiosity, and still others come with hearts full of love for the Mission and the Messages themselves." "But to all of you - I call you along the certain path of Holy and Divine Love. Do not allow the detractors of this Mission to pull you off the path, for what I give you is TRUTH ITSELF." "Today We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts." ** Holy Love Ministries is an ecumenical lay apostolate. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Section 821, ecumenism is described as: 'Prayer in common, because change of heart and holiness of life, along with public and private prayer for the unity of Christendom, should be regarded as the soul of the whole ecumenical movement, and merits the name spiritual ecumenism'. Our Lady, Our Lord and many saints appear on the property. The messages given lead the soul into personal holiness, and Our Blessed Mother says they are for all people - all nations. To exclude Catholic prayer (the rosary) or symbols from the Ministry and ecumenical shrine would be to say Catholics must not be part of the ecumenical movement. This would be contrary to the local Bishops' efforts at ecumenism and the Holy Father's ecumenical efforts, as well. All people and all nations are welcome to come and pray with us. We do not, nor have we ever sought affiliation with the Diocese of Cleveland. As an ecumenical ministry, we do not seek their approbation.
Date: October 6, 2003
"I am here now. Be at peace. I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "I have come so that all may understand the worship of false gods. Anything that leads the soul away from adherence to the law of Holy Love, and so too, the commandments, becomes a false god in that person's life. This is because he places the sin or fault over and above love of God and neighbor." "Perhaps the soul worships his own opinion more than God, and for that reason practices birth control, accepts abortion and even euthanasia. Perhaps he loves power and control more than righteousness, and because of this, abuses his position of authority. There are many who compromise their adherence to the commandments for the sake of protecting their reputation in the world." "I have come to help you realize that all these things are passing. God alone suffices. Do not seek after any of these false gods. Abandon yourselves to Me. Detach yourselves from every allurement of the world, and you will have treasure in Heaven."
Date: November 5, 2003
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I come today to prescribe to the world this Message of Divine Love. I could recount for you all the transgressions against love that occur on a moment to moment basis, the intense and profound sorrows of My Mother's Heart and the blight of faith in the world today. These things are so prevalent that they do not need description, for their presence is all too obvious." "Instead, I have come to focus on the remedy. I reveal to you that because the president of your nation has signed into law the ban on partial birth abortion, a great misfortune that was about to befall your country has been avoided--for every act of love counteracts an act of evil." "Therefore, understand in the depths of your heart the importance of each soul's response to this Message of Holy and Divine Love. Everything that is thought, spoken or acted upon is wasted if it is not born from a heart of love and given over to Me with love." "If you are Catholic and listening to Me, I invite you to comprehend the most important part of your day should be Holy Mass. Much preparation should precede the prayer of the Mass, and much thanksgiving should follow it. Do not let others dictate to you your posture or demeanor in the precious moments after you receive Me in the Holy Eucharist. This is My special time with each soul and needs to be saturated with reciprocating love between the soul and Me. This moment in the interior forum must not be violated by community. Such a practice further reduces the importance of the sacrament of My Real Presence. When each soul is strengthened and nourished in this private moment with their Creator, the entire community will be strengthened. Do not fear putting into practice what I tell you today." "This is the poignant point of today's message. When each heart allows itself to be strengthened in Holy and Divine Love, the world at large is strengthened. Therefore, understand that the remedy for the ills and evils of these times is each soul's surrender to Holy and Divine Love. When you surrender to this call to holiness, you begin your personal relationship with Me. My Father's Divine Will begins, then, as a reality in your heart." "Today, once again, I come invoking each heart to be immersed in the Flame of Divine Love--the Flame of My Sacred Heart. Let the Flame of Love burn in your own heart inspiring every thought, word and action, and illuminating the world around you with love." "We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: December 14, 2003
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, today please pray that all people, most especially expectant mothers, replace self-love with Holy Love in their hearts. In this way they will hold a love for their unborn child and will be unable to enter into the sin of abortion. If all expectant mothers could love their unborn children, abortion would not exist." "Today I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: January 11, 2004
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "My brothers and sisters, please understand that it is Satan, the father of lies, that presents abortion as reasonable--even justified. All opposition to abortion comes from hearts filled with truth based on love--Holy Love. Therefore, today and always, pray for hearts to be open to truth." "We're extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: February 5, 2004
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am here, your Jesus, born Incarnate. When you honor Me in this hidden form of the Holy Eucharist, I am pleased to take all of your petitions and lay them upon the altar of My Heart. You have no need or concern that escapes Me." "I have come today to address all people--all nations. I am calling each one to clothe himself in the truth--for truth is humility. Truth unites and brings you closer to Me. It is truth that convicts and brings about My Victory within each heart. Truth is the vesture of Holy Love. In truth I implore all Christians to unite in Holy Love. If those who call themselves Christians cannot unite in Holy Love, how do you expect all people and all nations to unite?" "Do not seek union under the banner of a new world religion. Unite by cleansing your hearts of all untruth and living the law of Holy Love. Too often mankind seeks solutions outside of himself when the solution must be discovered and accepted within his own heart. If your own opinions oppose Holy Love in your heart, you are listening to Satan. Let the Holy Spirit inspire you to live in Holy Love for this is God's Will for you." "Do not be shocked or dismayed when the evil that is around you--the evil that is in the hearts of so many--is revealed by the light of truth. This is part of My Victory. I must take up My Reign in hearts before My Triumph can come into the world." "For this reason I tell you, do not forsake the Message of Holy Love. Allow your hearts to be convicted in love and humility. It is in this way My Reign will begin within you. Let nothing stand between us--not affairs in the world, worry for the future or any flaw in virtue. Allow the Fifth Chamber to consume your heart, and your heart to embrace the Fifth Chamber (union with Divine Will). The soul that strives after this yields a blow to Satan that he cannot recover from." "Once again, your country has been spared by merit of My Divine Mercy--a certain and prolonged trial, all because of your President's stand against partial birth abortion. But I warn you, the Hand of Justice will certainly fall if unnatural marriages of the same gender continue to be condoned. Apathy strengthens this cause. Homosexuality is a sin and must not be encouraged by any legislature." "My brothers and sisters, you have persevered in living and in believing these Messages of Holy and Divine Love, and your faith will be rewarded. While other missions slip and fail and succumb to outside pressure, this Mission will be perpetuated in Our United Hearts and in the world." "Today I'm taking all your petitions into My Sacred Heart. Some will receive the answers they desire, others must wait; some ask for what they should not receive." "Today We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: February 8, 2004
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "Where are all My faithful prayer warriors today? What are they placing ahead of this prayer against the crime--the sin of abortion? I tell you, every soul should abandon himself in every present moment in sacrifice against this horrendous sin, for in every moment a new life is lost upon the altar of abortion." "But today, I am blessing those who are present with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: July 5, 2004
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to help the world understand that true freedom does not come to you through wealth, fame or power. True freedom comes to the hearts of those who seek to do the Will of My Father." "Some see freedom as the right to choose certain sins such as abortion or homosexuality. This is Satan's attempt to twist the truth. He has fooled many into compromising their own salvation. Millions are slaves to sins that are an abomination in My Eyes. Lust is not the same as love and self-love is the enemy of Holy Love. Self-love in its extremes convinces the soul that sin is his right. Indeed, it is a choice, but a choice for evil over good." "Today, the innocence of childhood is violated like unripened fruit plucked from a tree and consumed by the voracious appetite of sin. Innocence is no longer cherished or safeguarded, but has become the victim of sinful appetites. This is what forms deep in the heart of souls and whole nations. It is a call for My Justice." "My brothers and sisters, many do not recognize the evil that lies all around them for there is a fog of spiritual confusion over good and evil. But the time approaches when the conscience of the world will be aroused--then the difference between good and evil will be distinct. Pray that you make the right choices during these times." "We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: July 11, 2004
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed, and says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, abortion is a black and white issue. There are no gray areas--there are no situations in which a little abortion is okay for there is NO small abortion. It is all murder. Surely you understand that if you live in Holy Love you can not support abortion --not in the way you live, the opinions you express, or the votes you cast." "Today I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: July 13, 2004
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "The ones who lead must lead with clarity. Ambiguity is a snare of Satan. I speak not only of those who lead in the governments of the world, but in the Church as well. There should be no compromise concerning support of abortion. Those who support abortion in thought, word or deed--sin! If you lend your own support to one who condones abortion by voting for him, the sin casts its shadow on you. Many come to the altar of My Eucharistic Heart guilty of such sin. Many a sullied hand offers the sacrifice of the Mass that is guilty of such sin." " Abortion is the issue that charts the course of human history."
Date: August 8, 2004
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." St. Dominic is also present and is holding a rosary. Jesus: "My brothers and sisters, the prayer of the rosary has been given as a means of uniting Heaven and earth. If you could see through My Eyes the abandon with which human life is treated in the womb, you would be on your knees day and night begging My Mercy upon the world. These are urgent times--this is an urgent plea! Use your rosaries as weapons against evil." "We're blessing you with Our Blessing of the United Hearts."
Date: September 5, 2004
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." They greet the priests in the apparition room. Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I come to remind the world that the future of humanity rests on the degree of Holy Love in hearts. The fruit of Holy Love is peace and harmony with the Will of God. The fruit of hatred and love of self above all else is war, terrorism, famine, disease and every sort of natural disaster." "The barometer of Holy Love in hearts is the acceptance or rejection of sins such as abortion, same sex marriage and the sin of indecision concerning these issues. Government and Church leaders need to call these issues what they are--sins, not rights. The Ten Commandments may not be in vogue with some in the world, but they are still dictates from God to His people. No law can change that." "If you want wars and violence to stop, then turn away from compromise and sin and choose Holy Love. Those who support politicians who are in favor of abortion are as guilty as the abortionist who wields the instruments of death. Those who support homosexuality and/or same sex marriages in any way--for any reason--are guilty of sin, as well. Do not support sin because it is stylish or popular." "Once again I come into the world to call sinners onto the path of righteousness. This is the path of Holy and Divine Love that leads you through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. As you progress through these Sacred Chambers, allow Me to penetrate your heart with My Divine Love. Love must be sanctified by reciprocation. It is only by allowing Me into your heart that you will be transformed according to the Will of God." "Until now the heart of the world has been an empty chamber. But now, I offer you the warmth and security of My Merciful, Loving Heart. The more you empty yourselves of selfishness, the more I am able to fill you with Divine Love." "I come to help you understand that the journey through Our United Hearts is a journey of Loving Trust. Therefore, do not fear the future. When you fear, dear ones, you lose your focus on Our United Hearts and think in human terms--'what will happen to me, my family, my environment?' I am calling you to a greater reality--the spiritual reality of Our United Hearts where you will always be safe and secure when you lovingly trust in Me." "The future of your country begins in the present moment. If, through your free will, you choose Holy and Divine Love, you will help to shape a secure future for America. The choice is up to each soul and to all souls." "My brothers and sisters, how I long to fill each heart with My Divine Love. It is in this way that the Will of My Father will take up its reign over all people--every nation, and the whole world. When I return it will be in and through Divine Love. You can hasten My Triumph by spreading the Messages of Holy and Divine Love." "Today We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: September 12, 2004
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, please realize that every human being that is conceived in the womb is God's Divine Will. Countries that oppose God's Will take themselves on a path away from harmony with God." "My brothers and sisters, you must pray that more realize the sin of abortion, for those that do not oppose it are helping it." "I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: September 15, 2004
Our Lady is here as Mary Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be to Jesus. I have come during this present moment to speak to all of My children." "Dear children, these days much attention is drawn to the oncoming storm (hurricane Ivan) which approaches this country. Many precautions are being taken to protect property. People are fleeing from its path and rightfully so. It will bring much damage with its arrival. Property and lives will be lost." "But most do not see the real threat that is challenging not only this country but the world. That is because Satan's path cannot be charted. The desolation he brings lies hidden in hearts. The cost of his destruction cannot be summed up in dollars but in the loss of souls." "The hurricane spawns killer tornadoes. Satan spawns lies that have struck the heart of the Tradition of Faith. The hurricane spews a wake of fire. Satan sends souls into eternal flames." "Dear children, you fear what you see as real, but I tell you that what you do not notice is far more dangerous. Storms will come and go while Satan's attacks and snares are always with you. Open your eyes and your hearts and begin your conversion through Holy Love. My Immaculate Heart is your protection--your ark--amidst the storm of evil. It is necessary that you accept My Heart as Holy Love in order to secure yourselves in this Refuge of grace." "No longer separate yourselves according to belief, favorite devotion or apparition site--or even the God you worship. Come into the safety of My Heart--Holy Love. Be united in Holy Love. In My Heart everything is purified by love and made one." "Dear children, I tell you solemnly that your Heavenly Mother sorrows with equal measure today as I did at the foot of the Cross. Most of all I sorrow for those who have heard the message of Holy Love but refuse to live it. Some believe they live the message, but they do not live it when it is most difficult to do so. I weep for these My children who do not love with their whole heart." "Perhaps they love when others are watching, but as soon as their pride is pricked they are outraged. Perhaps they cast their vote for candidates who do not support life. You must not make this type of decision in your country's next election for much depends on the outcome of this presidential election. You will not have peace in the world until all people and all nations live in harmony with the Divine Will of God." "Abortion is a sin and opposes God's Ordaining Will. So much of what God orders, mankind destroys--human life, human dignity, childhood innocence to name a few." (Given Just After Midnight) "My dear, dear children, tonight I come to you, not sorrowing but with joy, for you have come to Me here to be with Me, to pray with Me." "Please understand that the future of your nation and of all nations is dependent upon the Holy Love you hold in your hearts in each present moment. Do not barter peace with Satan, but always live in Holy Love." "Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
Date: September 23, 2004
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today, the world has been plunged into a sea of darkness--a sea which is fed by selfishness. It is excessive self-love which spawns devotion to money, power and love of reputation." "Consider the fruits that this path of darkness bears. Technology has been misused, giving birth to bigger and better weaponry to use against neighbor. The goods of the world remain unevenly distributed even though modern transportation could alleviate famine. The minds of great scientists, world and church leaders, have been annihilated through the sin of abortion, leaving in its wake incurable disease, wars and mishandled scandals." "I have come with My Mother to establish the New Jerusalem on this site. Where are those who seek it out? Here, I am strengthening the Remnant and increasing their numbers. Here, miracles take place filling hearts with the truth of Holy and Divine Love." "Yes, this truth is the miracle, for each soul finds his salvation through Holy Love in the present moment. I wish to engulf the world with this Flame of Love--never to be extinguished." "Once again, make this known."
Date: October 10, 2004
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, I have come to tell you that abortion is another name for murder. You cannot destroy the life that your Creator places in the womb. It is God's Will that these children live to give honor and praise to Him to earn their salvation, their sanctification and unity with the Divine Will. You must not go against God's Plan in any way--there is no compromise." "Today I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: October 21, 2004
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to describe to you the anatomy of sin." "All sin is a transgression against Holy Love--from the smallest white lie to murder. The soul chooses to sin, for he loves the sin more than God and neighbor. If lying is the habitual sin, it is because truth reveals the sinner's own weakness. The soul steals because he feels he deserves more and better than what God provides. Abortion which is murder in the womb is the result of loving self more than the life God provides and creates in the womb. Love of power and prestige convolutes many from leading worthily in Holy Love and turns leadership into control and manipulation. The fruits of this are fear, anger and unforgiveness."
Date: October 27, 2004
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "Child, you are pondering the fleeting of each present moment. Your knowledge of this is miniscule. There is no time or space that limits My knowledge of moment to moment events in hearts in every present moment. I would like to share this with you." "In every present moment a myriad of souls are passing from this world to the next, standing before Me in their final judgment. Most are unprepared. Every moment sees the death of life in the womb by the sin of abortion. Every moment sees hatred breed new plans of violence and terrorism which take root in hearts. Every present moment sees the injustice of hunger and disease around the world." "Do not mourn the moments which are past, but invest your heart in Holy Love in this present moment, for herein lies your salvation. Pray for those who do not pray. These are the ones most hurtful to Me."
Date: November 5, 2004
Jesus, Blessed Mother and St. Michael are here. Blessed Mother and St. Michael say: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I congratulate your nation on its recent election. Your country will be spared further moral degeneration for another four years. We must work diligently now to oppose the convolution that is in so many hearts. Moral issues should never become political issues. A couple of decades ago it would have been laughable just to think of voting on the issue of same sex marriage. How obtuse consciences have become!" "Once the dignity of human life was challenged, the door was open to anything being challenged. The key that Satan uses to compromise hearts on every issue is inordinate self-love. Yes, self-love has become an opiate for this generation. I have come to call this prodigal generation back to the center of its existence in time which is the Divine Will of My Father." "Today the term 'freedom' covers a multitude of sin. I give each soul his own free will at conception. The decisions each soul makes from moment to moment are all part of this free will. These choices can be good or evil. Therefore, choosing evil such as abortion or homosexuality is the by-product of free will. When souls choose such evil they really become slaves to sin. The ultimate freedom is to live in acceptance of My Father's Divine Will for you in every present moment." "Do not think that you can sit back and ponder endlessly your decisions between good and evil. Once again I remind you--not to choose, is to choose. Your indecision not to oppose evil lends power to Satan. I have given you the laws of Holy Love with which to decide. Holy Love has four more years with which to strengthen hearts and fortify this country in righteousness. Each heart matters." "Understand that every affliction or trial can be used to either strengthen or weaken the soul. The more the soul accepts My Father's All-Knowing and Divine Will for him, the stronger he becomes spiritually. In your acceptance is your trustful surrender." "You see the recent hurricane season which wreaked havoc on Florida as a terrible disaster--which it was. But I tell you because so many accepted these trials in the light of Holy and Divine Love, a far worse disaster was avoided, for much evil controls certain hearts." "Today, My brothers and sisters, I am dispatching St. Michael and his warrior angels to protect the borders, the ports and every mode of transportation of this country from the evil that threatens them. What I cannot protect is the choice of free will that man makes within his own heart. Therefore, we must pray against Satan's tool of hatred, and we must make this Message of Holy and Divine Love known with courage and conviction." "We're blessing you with Our Blessing of the United Hearts."
Date: November 14, 2004
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, please understand that all creation comes to you by way of God's Mercy and His Love. Therefore, you cannot truly say that you embrace Holy and Divine Love unless you embrace all life from its beginning at conception until its natural end." "You will please make this known." "We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: November 15, 2004
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, each time you pray the rosary together, world peace is much more a reality and in focus with the Will of God. Each time you pray the rosary in a group, the heart of the world is closer to being healed and converted through love. Each time you gather to pray the rosary together, the Holy Father is strengthened. Abortion is much closer to being overturned in the courts." "Your prayers are important--they are a link between Heaven and earth." "Tonight We're blessing you with Our Blessing of the United Hearts."
Date: December 12, 2004
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Jesus is all in white. Blessed Mother is Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, today I speak for My Mother, and I ask that you renounce self-love in the form of any artificial birth control for life begins at conception. Any form of birth control is really abortion because in the human heart there is the will to stop conception." "My Mother asks especially prayers for China--next, She asks for prayers for Russia and for the Arab Nations. Peace is very, very fragile in the Arab Nations. These Messages are for all people and all nations. Do not keep them to yourselves." "As a special sign of the importance of My coming here and My Mother's appearing here, there will be extra grace on the property. Much of this will be seen through the eye of the camera and there will be many miracles abounding today." "We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: January 1, 2005
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "The world has suffered a great tragedy in loss of life and property in the recent earthquake and tsunami. But while everyone can agree on this event as tragic, most fail to see the greater tragedy--the greater loss of life through the sin of abortion. In the natural disaster the world sees the visible loss of life. In the sin of abortion the truth of the far greater loss of life lays hidden and concealed behind the curtain of lies and compromise." "In truth the world should not be surprised by God's Justice, but should expect it in any form as retribution for the grievous loss of life by abortion. Understand how fragile and vulnerable all life is and learn from the recent tragedy the world now focuses upon." "Everything is subject to change, but can only be changed through transforming love in the heart. This Holy Love can span the abyss that yawns wide between Heaven and earth. Thus the loving heart can suspend the laws of nature and bring peace to warring nations. Love can restore harmony between man's free will and the Divine Will of My Father. Love can uncover evil." "Much lies just ahead. Many will stand convicted of false virtue. Pray for those who have given their hearts over to sin."
Date: January 9, 2005
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. They are dressed all in white and there are radiant lights all around them. Their Hearts are exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, please realize the injustice is part of that human condition. You have racial bias, gender injustice--but the worst of all is the injustice perpetrated against the weakest--the unborn. Because these conditions exist does not mean you should let this be, but you must pray that the truth be exposed and these injustices be revealed for what they are. Most of all the crime of abortion needs to be eradicated, for this weighs heavy upon My Heart and plays an important role in the future of the world." "We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: February 5, 2005
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." They are looking at the people in the apparition room and Jesus blesses them. (A personal message was given.) "Today I come to solemnly warn all people and all nations--you must guard against Satan's lies and deceits. Do not allow 'liberties' to take the form of laws which condone sin. This can only occur when self-love is disordered and morals become convoluted to the point of sin being a desired good. Here specifically I am speaking of same sex marriages, abortion and the harvesting of human embryos for body parts." "The whole and entire reason mankind even considers such laws is because he seeks to satisfy self and not God. He cannot step aside from disordered self-love long enough to look with honesty into his own heart. This lack of honesty concerning the state of his soul is Satan's doorway to compromise." "Genuine peace--both within the heart and within nations themselves--comes only from a movement of the free will to live according to the Divine Will of My Father. His Will is Divine Love and Divine Mercy. Love God above all else. Love your neighbor as yourself. Forgive one another as I forgive you." "Allow the treasure of personal holiness to bloom in your hearts by choosing God's Will. Never presume you are holy enough. Strive for perfection in love and mercy in every present moment. Holiness is not a competition but a personal relationship between you and your God. I hunger and thirst for this relationship with each one of you. I desire to build a city of Divine Love within each heart--a city only I can enter." "Do not wonder at My stressing personal holiness when there are so many problems and crises in the world today. A nation will only have just laws if its people respect God's laws. Respect for God's laws comes through personal holiness. A nation is as holy and righteous as is each person holy and righteous." "My brothers and sisters, understand that My victory lies in the conversion of every heart through Divine Love. When every heart is united in Divine Love, My Triumph will be complete and My Father's Will shall reign over the world. Do not perpetuate wrong in the world, but take a stand against it." "We love you, and We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: March 18, 2005
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "Tonight, My brothers and sisters, I ask your prayers to console the Heart of My Mother and My own Sacred Heart, as well. We are deeply hurt by the sin of euthanasia and the continued sin of abortion. The Cup of Justice overflows. You must know these things. Keep Divine Love at the center of your hearts--then you are truly Mine." "I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: April 10, 2005
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "I have come today, as I always come to this site of predilection, that I may trace upon each heart My call to Divine Holiness. It is only in this way the soul of every country will legislate according to the Law of Love." "My brothers and sisters, never be afraid to stand up for the TRUTH--the truth being that life begins at conception and ends in natural death according to God's Will." "Today We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: June 12, 2005
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, today I have come to help you realize that no one can love life in the womb apart from Holy Love. The two always go together--love of life and Holy Love. Therefore, when you pray for the Mission of Holy Love to expand and grow, you are also praying against abortion." "Today I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
Date: July 10, 2005
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here and they are framed by the Rosary of the Unborn. Their Hearts are exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, today I come especially to strengthen your commitment to Holy and Divine Love. Understand that no one who believes these Messages, and sincerely lives them, would commit the sin of abortion. This is why the Rosary of the Unborn and the Chambers of the United Hearts belong together always." "We're blessing you with Our Blessing of the United Hearts."
Date: August 14, 2005
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. There are many here with special petitions today. Some will be answered soon in unexpected ways; others will need to wait, but Heaven has received them all." "My brothers and sisters, today I have come to remind you that you cannot have a double standard where love is concerned. You must not support the life of those who are fighting in the war in Iraq, and at the same time support birth control and abortion. If you are praying and seek consolation in the loss of life in the war, think of how much more My Mother and I seek consolation in the lives that are lost in the womb.* Console My Sorrowing Mother, for She weeps constantly for these little ones." "Today I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love." *4,400 per day in the USA.
Date: August 27, 2005
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." "Today I am imparting to the world, through you, a prayer to be recited with the Rosary of the Unborn." "Divine Infant Jesus, as we pray this rosary, we ask you to remove from the heart of the world the desire to commit the sin of abortion. Remove the veil of deceit Satan has placed over hearts which portrays promiscuity as a freedom, and reveal it for what it is-- slavery to sin." "Place over the heart of the world a renewed respect for life at the moment of conception. Amen."
Date: October 4, 2005
St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says: "Praise be to Jesus." "Listen closely as I impart these truths to you. The will is influenced by the spirit that embraces the heart and soul. If the spirit is loving and kind, the decisions that the heart makes with its free will are most likely loving and kind. In a similar way, if the spirit is evil, the will follows and chooses evil." "This is why the spirit must be protected and nurtured so as to embrace good. Everything that the spirit comes in contact with influences it, though some are more easily influenced than others. The environment, the people one comes in contact with, the spiritual weapons--such as prayer, sacrifice that the soul uses--all of these influence the spirit, and so, too, the choices of the free will." "You can see, then, that neighborhoods, families and even nations have a spirit that affects the free will choices of the people and the governments as a whole. Therefore, you have abortion, euthanasia, embryonic experimentation and much more as a result." "The spirit must be protected by Holy Love. That is why Heaven speaks here--to influence the spirit of the world."
Date: October 9, 2005
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Their Hearts are exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." Jesus: "My brothers and sisters, abortion is a grave crime. Unless you can reverse this crime against life, you will continue to see many forces of destruction around the world, both in the form of war and natural disasters." "I'm inviting you now to do all in your power--prayer, sacrifice and speaking out against abortion, artificial birth control, the morning-after pill--all of these are sins against life. Please help Me to bring righteousness back into the heart of the world." "We're blessing you with Our Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Date: October 23, 2005
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." They greet the people here and smile. Jesus: "Thank you for answering My Mother's invitation to be here today. Please understand, My dear brothers and sisters, that the cause of abortion and every type of sin is lack of love in hearts. You must be reconciled with your Creator through Holy Love. Spread the Message of Holy Love, which is scripturally sound, and you will begin to see a change in many things, weather--all sorts of catastrophes will lessen and be mitigated." "Today We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."