Water Bottle: Maranatha Spring and Shrine FILLED

Water Bottle Filled with miraculous Maranatha Spring water as a courtesy. Comes with water blessing prayer.
Price: $2.00
Water Bottle: Maranatha Spring and Shrine FILLED
Water Bottle: Maranatha Spring and Shrine FILLED
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Product Details

Water Bottle (plastic) - FILLED.
The front of the plastic water bottle holds the words "...Joyfully, I reveal to you today that the waters of Maranatha are as the Lourdes of this continent. They are comparable in healing grace, both in body and soul..." BVM May 31, 1995

The back of the bottle details the contact information of Holy Love Ministries and Maranatha Spring and Shrine (address, website and phone number).

As a courtesy, each bottle is filled with miraculous Maranatha Spring water drawn from the Maranatha Spring.

Holds 2 oz.

UPC: 712392404662